#1: project management training
The Client
A global manufacturer and marketer of business machines, workspace organizers, records storage solutions, and technology accessories. The client, who employs more than 1700 people, has operations in 15 countries and their products are sold in over 100 countries.
The Situation
The client routinely undertakes multiple large and small scale projects across and within business lines. Company-wide common terminology, language or a uniform project management process did not exist resulting in an environment where projects did not always result in the desired outcome or meet the project goal. The client was seeking to instill a company-wide process for project management along with a culture of accountability and responsibility to project tasks, responsibilities, and outcomes.
The Solution
Using company specific information gathered from internal subject matter experts, Total Training Solutions developed a custom Project Management curriculum that included a Project Management course based on the principles of PMBOK, a Leadership course for Project Managers, and a Coaching course for Project Managers. Total Training Solutions designed and administered pre- and post-assessments for the course, created a comprehensive Project Management job aid, and created a Manager and Employee Coaching Discussion Guide to assist in coaching sessions focused on further development of Project Management skills. Total Training Solutions facilitated the instructor-led training sessions for all aspects of the Project Management curriculum.
The Success
The client now has a pool of over 200 qualified Project Managers to lead new initiatives they are undertaking to maintain and increase their market presence. A common Project Management philosophy and process has been instilled within the client organization to help better position them for ongoing business success. The Project Management course qualifies for credit toward PMI certification and PMI certification renewal for course participants.